Tom and Mary’s


I had been waiting to finally put this into action. For years now I’d wanted to open up a “shop” for vintage resale. I know there’s many out there and I hadn’t intended to be a big thing or even open up brick and mortar. I just wanted something to satisfy my vintage thrifting hobby and this is it. I’ve always been way too busy during my college years. I work full time in fashion now, with many other socializing events to follow, but this time I pushed to add this on my list of hobbies/to do’s. My boyfriend a few weeks ago had mentioned “opening up an etsy” together, and of course I jumped excitedly at the thought. At least this way there would be two of us managing, and I’d have a partner. 

So we got to work. He had a few jackets that have yet to be listed, and I had set out to buy a few pieces of my own. 

Here is the start of it. 



I’d never imagined I’d be sharing fashion business territory with my boyfriend. He is however in marketing and though I minored in it I’d say his brain is probably more useful in that aspect than mine. After all marketing and fashion go hand in hand if you want to make it a business. 




Check out the pieces here on our etsy shop “Tom and Mary’s”